Print chmod Value of a file in Linux

Print chmod Value of a file in Linux

How to Print the CHMOD Value of a File in Linux

CHMOD is a Unix shell command that stands for "change mode" and is used to control the access permissions of files and directories in Linux systems. The access permissions specify who is allowed to read, write, or execute the file. In this article, we will discuss how to print the CHMOD value of a file in Linux.

The first method to print the CHMOD value is to use the "ls" command. The "ls" command is used to list the contents of a directory. By default, the "ls" command shows the file name, size, and date of modification, but you can use the "-l" option to show the long format, which includes the access permissions of each file. Here is an example:

bashls -l file.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 0 Feb 12 12:24 file.txt

In the above example, "file.txt" is a regular file, and its CHMOD value is "rw-rw-r--". The first position in the CHMOD value represents the file type, where "-" indicates a regular file. The next nine positions represent the access permissions for the file's owner, group, and others, respectively. The three characters in each set represent read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions. If a permission is not set, a hyphen (-) is used in its place.

The second method to print the CHMOD value is to use the "stat" command. The "stat" command is used to show information about the file system's status and can display the CHMOD value of a file in decimal format. Here is an example:

perlstat -c %a file.txt

In the above example, "file.txt" has a CHMOD value of 664, which is the decimal representation of its octal value, which is 0rw-rw-r--. To convert the decimal CHMOD value to its octal representation, you can use the following formula:

makefileoctal = 8 * 8 * 4 + 8 * 2 + 4

In conclusion, printing the CHMOD value of a file in Linux is a straightforward process. You can use the "ls" command with the "-l" option or the "stat" command to display the CHMOD value of a file. Understanding the CHMOD value and its permissions is important for managing the access control of files and directories in Linux systems.